Consents in Education
In higher education, particularly for overseas students, consumer journeys and consent management are complex, with multiple independent communication channels. An alternative solution suggests a unified system for all outbound communications, providing real-time updates. Concurrently, it’s vital to assess contact policies’ impact on communication, subscription choices, and compliance.
The Complicated Nature of Consents and Permissions in Higher Education
Higher Education has always been a classic search and browse activity particularly for overseas students. Consumer journeys can get a lot more complicated once there is interest as different needs emerge an a lot more information is exchanged. For domestic students it may be grants, for overseas students it may be accommodation, path to employment, etc.
Consent and Permissions in Higher Education: A Complex Landscape
Consents and permissions can get equally complicated because:
- There are internal systems sending information to prospective students. We have seen different faculties having their own contact arrangements. On some occasions prospective students are existing students or even faculty.
- There are different consent and permissions rules that could potentially apply to domestic and overseas (non-resident) students.
- Financial, CRM, Counselors, Liaisons, etc., all can be sending messages to the same person filling up their mailbox.
Internal Communication Systems and Their Implications
Big bang solutions need time and money and always create debates about the role of each system, who ‘owns the customer’, etc. We leave your systems to play their existing roles. Our solution collates all outbound contacts in one place that can push the current view of contact intensity anywhere (or other systems can ‘pull’ in real time).
Evaluating and Refining Contact Policies for Better Compliance and Engagement
At the same time we assess and refine together the consequences of your contact policies: are they restricting communications, do they lead to higher ‘unsubscribe ‘ options, and other compliance matters such as rules being breached.
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Sydney, NSW, Australia